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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Drop By

Yesterday my superior requested me to write a few letters showing our stand regarding several issues arising. When come to write a letter than I'm stuck. Even though the idea is already there but I still have a problems for choosing the good sentence structure in order to ensure the messages that I wrote will deliver and the receiving parties fully understood. Normally my letter is very simple have just 3, 4 sentences and I am not happy with that. I am not good to elaborating the ideas.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Let me Strong

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I'm nervous now. It coming so sudden. probably I'm doing something that beyond my normal life. Even those I'm doing for the benefit but I'm still shaking. Actually I have to learn to be more relax. Think positive. I have to clear my mind and have to my tell to myself "I'm doing for my own good. Not doing something disaster.
And at the end I'm taking the benefit and I'm not regreat."

Failure somethings I'm very afraid. I'm afraid I'm not apologising myself for that failure. However, I thing I have to remember how big mistake I'm doing, I still have to continues mylife. That must. As long I'm still breathing I have to carry on. Have to think Big. Have to share some Idea. To make it rights.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Practice (3rd Article)

Bismillahi rahman nir rahim.......

Sometimes I looking to myself, until now how much my life improvement, my self development, materially, spiritually and also English. Probably I'm far behind if I compared with all my friends. Several time I had tried improving myself but until now not much improvement. The way I talk. The way I think, it still at the same level. And I always think why? Why? Which area I have to improve? And How to make myself at the different level now? Did I work not hard enough? Or which angle that I have to focus. All inside my mind. But at end I still here. How Hard I work. How frequent I read. How much watching movies. I still here. Still walking around the bush. Did it gifted or I still not following the right way.
That dilemma that I am always facing. Probably there are too many things inside my mind which make me unable to handle all. Or to write the right words have read a lot. Or the Idea for writing only came when I really understand the whole picture of the thing I want to written. I don't know

Monday, May 3, 2010

Practice (2nd Article)

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim......

Everybody have their own speciality. Allah S.W.T had creating us with the differenties because with that differenties are making us uniques and special. Furthermore Allah S.W.T. also given us the guideline that we have to follow. People are not following that guideline that means they are loss and until certain stage they are humaliating themself and also affecting other peoples. Therefore we have to thankful for whatever we have now. Don't try to modified ourself. What we have to do, we have to look back to the guideline that have been given for finding the right path.

p/s: This article is written this reading a news about artist want to operate themself to be more beautiful. For me they are not suppose do until to that stage.

Practice (1st Article)

Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim....
The articles in the local newspapers are not interesting anymore. Not given given any positive impact in the mind and also not intrigue to read further. All negative stories such as the snag thief stories, robberies, accidents, murders and etc, are everywhere. It shown how bad of our associations nowadays.
It have been discussed numerous times on our worries of facing these circumstances. What are going to happen in the future when today our life are not safe anymore. Not like 30, 40 years ago which is more safer. The parents are not afraid to let their kid to play around even at the jungle and the river. Even though they are playing until late evening but they are still not worry about their kids.
The differenties are too wide. Look at this pattern, I believe the future are even worst. What we looking are to live happily like our childhood time. Let go back to Basic. What the function of the extraordinary development when our behaviours are fall tremendously.
p/s: I not happy the way I writting skills. Look Naive.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim....

Today I am written in English. I have to do this because I need to improve my writting skills. This is the story. Last weeks my boss asked me to prepare a written reports (Method statement) . After few discussion with the relevent people than I preparing the method statement.The problem is eventhough the idea have been discussed but when putting the word I'm stuck. I 'm not able to elaborate the idea have been given. Than I have to do somethings to ensure that I can put the right word and also fully understand by the readers. Please Allah help me.

Here it is, the beginning of my practicing season "at here". I hope with this method my writting skill will improve.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

berlalu disini.

Sekali sekala aku singgah disini sambil melihat coretan-coretan teman-teman blogger yang tak pernah aku jumpa melainkan sedikit sahaja aku dapati kehebatan dan pengalaman masing-masing yang pelbagai dan banyak memberikan kesan kepadaku. Semoga Allah senantiasa memberikan rahmat dan berkat kepada mereka semua diatas keikhlasan mereka dalam mengkongsikan kisah-kisah yang cukup positif kepada ku. Alangkah indah nya sekiranya mereka yang di luar sana tahu apa yang teman-teman blogger ku ingin sampaikan kepada masyarakat seluruhnya. Bukan semua orang mampu berkongsikan pengalaman nya dalam bentuk tulisan kerana keistimewaan menulis itu tidak terdapat pada semua orang. Apa yang aku harapkan semoga kalian semua akan ditempatkan yang istimewa disisi Allah S.W.T. dan kekasihnya Rasulullah s.a.w.
Di Mana tempat ku nanti. Mungkin aku hanya dapat melihat kalian bergembira nanti kerana aku tahu kedudukan terlalu jauh daripada kalian semua. Dosa-dosa ku, segala kecacatan dalam imanku terlalu banyak. Apa yang aku harapkan hanyanya keampunan mu Ya Allah.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kerisauan ku

Beberapa hari lepas aku dapatlah dengar kuliah agama tentang Asma' Ul-Husna kat surau kawasan rumah ku. Dalam kuliah tu Ustaz tu telah memberi penjelasan beberapa nama Allah seperti As-Sami', Al- Basir, Al Hakim dan beberapa nama lagi. Bila Ustaz menjelaskan Al-Basir aku cukup takut sebab aku sentiasa sahaja melakukan kesalahan kesilapan dan perkara-perkara yang tak baik. Cukup risau aku di buatnya. Moga-moga dengan sifat-sifatnya Al-Latif, Al-Rahman,Al-Rahim Allah dapat memaafkan segala kesilapan dan kesalahan sepanjang hidup ku ini. Sesungguhnya aku ini cukup lemah tanpa mu Ya Allah.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ziarah Madinah

Alhamdulillah dengan keizinan Allah s.w.t. baru-baru aku telah di jemputnya untuk menunaikan umrah dan ziarah bagi mengucapkan selawat dan salam kepada kekasihnya baginda Rasullulah s.a.w. Tempat-tempat yang idaman setiap muslim untuk sampai ke sana.
Dan ketika aku mengunjungi masjid Nabawi yang penuh barakah yang mengandakan pahala sebanyak 1000 kali ganda itu ada keistimewaan yang lain yang dapat aku lihat. ketika berada di raudah dan berkesempatan beriktikaf di sana aku dapati berapa kecilnya masjid asal berbanding masjid sekarang. mungkin masjid lama hanya dapat menampung seramai beberapa ratus jemaah sahaja atau mungkin ribuan berbanding masjid sekarang yang mungkin dapat menampung ratusan ribu atau jutaan umat islam. Tetapi dengan jumlah jemaah yang hanya beberapa ribu itu mampu menakluk dunia berbanding dengan jumlah jemaah yang mempunyai berbilion sekarang.
Hebatnya mereka berbanding kita sekarang ini. selawat dan salam kepada rasulullah s.a.w. dan para sahabat rasulullah s.a.w. yang cukup hebat yang mengembangkan kalimah tauhid kepada umat manusia.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Singgah le kejap...

Hm... assalamualaikum kembali persinggahan sementara. lama tul tak singgah sini. Aku pun tahu aku ni bukan le seorang yang istiqamah terhadap sesuatu... tu sebab le aku namakan blog ni persinggahan sementara.... sesekali aku teringat je barulah aku singgah ...

Hidup ku macam biasa... kejap turun kejap naik... Apa yang menarik aku nak cerita hari ni eh...
Oh Ya.... Semalam tadi Aku dapat ijazah...!!!!!
Dapat Ijazah dalam membaca Umul Kitab...., Alfatihah.... (mengikut qiraat yang 7 dan bersanad)
Ijazah yang di anugerahkan dari Ustaz Sufian Nur Albanjari al makki...,
adik kepada Sheikh Nuruddin. (click le kat sini )

Belia juga menasihati kami agar menghidupkan majlis ta`lim dirumah agar dapat membentuk rumah yang diterangi oleh cahaya Nur. Semoga Ustaz sufian nur akan dapat selalu hadir di Malaysia ini dan dapat membimbing kami yang sentiasa dalam keadaan yang teraba-raba ini.